James Cook High School

Updated Information For The Community

June 5, 2024


Tēnā koutou katoa,

You will recall that on March 6, 2024, we informed whānau that a former teacher (Mr Ramiah) had pleaded guilty to charges in the District Court relating to allegations of sexual conduct towards a student during his time as a teacher at the school. In the letter to families we committed to keeping our families updated if any further information came to hand.

Today we are now able to inform you that the Teachers Disciplinary Tribunal has also investigated Mr Ramiah and found that his actions amounted to serious misconduct.  The Tribunal has ordered that Mr Ramiah’s teacher’s registration be cancelled so he cannot teach.

Mr Ramiah has not appealed the decision, which means that this information is now public and we can advise you of the proceedings and the Tribunal’s decisions.  The school did not seek any suppression orders in this matter again, as we felt it was important that our school community was as informed as possible and able to access any support if this was needed.  

We continue to have a number of supports in place should any former or current student need this.  

Current students or families can contact our school counsellors, our year level or whānau Deans, our MANA youth worker team, and/or the Senior Leadership team. 

Former students or families can make contact with the Principal/Tumuaki through the school office or by using the confidential email: support@jchs.school.nz. This email address will be accessed by the Tumuaki and selected senior staff only. Again, this will be in the strictest confidence. 

You can also find information about various support agencies and helplines on our website – jchs.school.nz/support-from-outside-agencies/

While we realise that the release of this decision by the Teachers Disciplinary Tribunal may generate media attention, we hope that the media will report on this sensitively and with care for those impacted by Mr Ramiah’s actions. It may be valuable for you to check in with your child if the media coverage is particularly concerning or significant. 

Again we thank you for your support of our students.  Please do not hesitate to contact me support@jchs.school.nz if there is anything that you would like to discuss with me.  It is very important to me that you feel assured about how seriously we take this matter and anything affecting the health, safety or wellbeing of any of our students. 

I will continue to update you further as more information comes to hand, including once sentencing occurs. 

Ms Tina Filipo

Mrs Jaylene Ball
Presiding Member (Board of Trustees)    

Waerea te rangi e tū iho nei
Let the protecting sky cover us

Waerea te papa e takoto nei
Let the protective earth comfort us