James Cook High School

Puutake Enrolment

Puutake Enrolment


Step 1:
Visit www.jchs.school.nz/enrol

Read through our school’s Enrolment information. Then click on the Enrol Here drop down menu which contains a link to the online Enrolment Application.

Once you’ve read through the information, click on ‘Start New Enrolment Application‘.

Step 2:
If you’ve provided all the required documents when submitting your online enrolment form, we will be in touch to organise an enrolment interview to meet with papa Hammond (Head of Puutake te Wāhanga Māori).

Note: If you still have documents missing, your child’s enrolment will be placed on hold until we receive this. It is whānau responsibility to provide this in a timely manner so that an enrolment interview can be organised.

Step 3:
On the day your enrolment interview has been scheduled, please visit the Front Office reception to let them know you have arrived to meet with papa Hammond for an enrolment interview.

Once the interview has taken place, an Acceptance Letter will then follow, which will re-confirm the starting date for your child.


Documents needed for your enrolment

1. Identification
Birth Certificate or Passport

2. Proof of Address
A letter sent to your address and dated within the last 3 months of enrolling your child. This can include letters emailed to you if not posted in the mail – e.g. phone bill, water bill, WINZ/IRD letter. We will also accept a rental agreement.

3. JCHS Medical form
You can download the form from here. Type directly onto the form, save it, then upload to your online enrolment application or email the completed form to enrolments@jchs.school.nz

4. Immunisation Record (MMR/Tetanus)
Only if you have this already, not compulsory to complete an enrolment application but we may ask for this at a later time.


If you decide to un-enrol your child from Puutake, it is a requirement that an exit interview with the student and whānau be held.

Once this has taken place, a request to move your child to Mainstream will be organised by Puutake and a new timetable issued to your child.