Papa Hammond
Tākina te mauri ki tōku whare wānanga
He pou ūara i takea mai nō tikitiki o rangi
He pou matataki i takea mai nō tikitiki o nuku
Waerea te pou whakahiki te māramatanga
Waerea te pou whakapūmau te orangatanga
Ka tau taku mauri ki te mōwai ukuki nā ōku tīpuna mātua
Ko taku mauri, ko aku mokopuna te reanga o kai tua
Taku manawataki e ora nei
Uhi te mauri, wero te mauri, haumie, uie tāiki e
Kāwai Pāpā
Ko Ikurangi te maunga
Ko Tauae te awa
Ko Kiwa te moana
Ko Arai te tonga te marae
No Takuvaine te hapū o Tumu te Varovaro
Ko maunga tapu o Tahiti nui
Ko Kiwa te moana
Ko Taputapuatea te marae
Nō Mātahi tōna hapū
Nō Tahiti nui te henua
Kāwai Māmā
Ko Te Reina Te Maunga
Ko Waihou-hui-a-rua te awa
Ko Waihou te marae
Ko Waimirirangi te tipuna whare
Ko Te Rarawa te iwi
Ko Mamari te waka
Ko Umuhika te maunga
Ko Te Waikamihi te awa
Ko Ngati Umutahi te marae
Ko Ngati Umutahi te hapū
Ko Te Arawa, Ngati Awa, Ngati Tuwharetoa ngā iwi
Ko Te Arawa rāua ko Mataatua nga waka
Tini whetū ki te rangi, mau tonu, mau tonu
Tini tangata ki te whenua ngaro noa, ngaro noa
Kai aku mākuikui, kai aku mākorokoro kua whetūrangihia ki te pō
Ko te reo tangi tēnei ki a koutou e kore rawa koutou e warewaretia.
Taku kiingi, te pouwhītiki o te Kotahitanga me tō whare kāhui ariki,
Paimārire ki a koe, otirā ki te whare tapu o Pōtatau, nei ka tuohu.
I tipu mai au ki ngā ūara nā ōku pakeke ka mutu nā taku māmā. Nā konei ka tipu ki te tangata pēnei te arohanui nei ki te momo o te tamariki e noho wawahi taha. Mei kore taku tipu ki te kauta o te mōhioranga, e kore pea au e puta e pēnei ana te hanga.
Timata mai au ki Te Aho Matua, ki konei au ka taka taku aroha ki te rerehua o tōku reo Māori. Ka noho tahi au ki ngā rekereke o ngā tōhunga huhua puta i te motu ki te whanake i taku reo Māori, Ko Te Wharehuia tēra, ko Timoti tērā, ko Tawhao Tioke tērā, ko te tamahine a Apirana Ngata tēra. He māmā ki te toromi i roto I ngā māramatanga a ēnei momo tipua o te ao Māori i ōna wā.
Ka toru tau ki Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Manurewa hai pouhiwa, ka hūnuku ki Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Piripono, ka 3 tau ki te whakawhanake i te kura hai wharekura. Nō māua ko taku teina Te Wharekura o Piripono i whakataki ake mai i te tau 2005-2009. Nō muri, ka whai tūranga au ki Te Wharekura o Manurewa. Ka toru tau au ki reira kātahi au ka hoki atu au ki Te Wharekura o Piripono. Ka kotahi wāhanga te roa ki reira kātahi au ka wātea he tūranga ki Puutake Te Wāhanga Māori.
Ka ono tau noa iho au e noho ana hai Kaiako i raro i tō tātou pāpā a Hōri Pōmana. Nō tōna rironga, ka eke au ki te tūranga Pou riwhi o Puutake Te Wāhanga Māori.
Ka eke au ki te 2023, ka whakamanahia tēnei tūranga hai Pouwhenua ki Puutake Te Wāhanga nei.
Ka 13 tau au i tēnei tau e noho ana hai Kaiako mo tēnei kura.
He ngākaunui tōku ki te whakatipu mokopuna wawāhi taha ka mutu ki te mokopuna kua tohua koinei tētahi kura māna.
He mōhio anō nōku, e hara a Puutake i te papa takaro mo hunga ngoikore, heoi nā te mōhio ki ōna āhuatanga, māu anō e tohu. He whakapono nōku, mehe whaia koe i te tūkanga a tēnei kaupapa mai raro ki runga, mai runga ki raro, ka rongohia koe i te tini o ngā hua ka puta mai i a ia hai pukenga karawhiu ki te ao.
Ko te tono noa iho a Puutake, a, me hāere mai koe me te mōhio, he mahi te mahi ka mutu mā tēnei koe ka tipu ora mai ai tō katoa me te mōhio anō ko ngā haepapa nui, he māmā te whakatutuki.
E hara tēnei ngākaunui i te mahi, he ngākaunui kē me taku kii, mehe huri te ngākaunui hai mahi, he wā tōna me nukuhia koe i te kaupapa nei.
I was fortunate to have had the teachings of my mother and her siblings. My classroom was the marae kauta where unconsciously skills and learnings were given. I am so grateful for these leanings as they have shaped me to be the person I am today.
I began my teaching journey under the Philosophy of Te Aho Matua. Here I grew a patience for our language, protocols, rituals, and practice. I was fortunate to have had spent time with some influential people in our Māori world, Te Wharehuia Milroy, Timoti Karetu, Tawhao Tioke, and the late Mate Kaiwai who was the youngest daughter of the late Apirana Ngata. These just to name a few who help shape the person I have become.
My teaching journey began under the Te Aho Matua guidance where I pent 3 years at Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Manurewa. I then returned back to Otara to Te Kura Kaupapa o Piripono as a deputy principal in a growing school. My brother and I worked tirelessly to grow a Wharekura and we were able do this by 2005 in growing to almost being one of the biggest Wharekura in Aotearoa.
In 2009 I worked at Te Wharekura o Manurewa with Matua Mahia. I stayed here for 3 years before I was asked to return back to Te Kura Kaupapa o Piripono to help support the tumuaki at the time to restart the Wharekura.
In 2012, now future thinking for my girls was about finding a kura back here in Manurewa.
Matua Hori had an opening and I asked whether he would have a position for me in his kaupapa.
In 2012 term 2, I was offered a position to teach in the kaupapa. I remained a Kaiako of Pangarau, Te Reo Maori, Marae kaupapa and kapahaka until 2017 we sadly lost Matua Hōri.
I have been teaching here ever since and now I am in my 13 year in this kura.
My passion is to help grow our mokopuna who choose to want to be a part of our kaupapa.
I fully understand that it is difficult to be in Puutake and you have got to want to be here. Once you fully understand what’s expected of you and you walk through this place, it has nothing but reward, growing and readiness to take on any challenge the world has to throw your way.
Puutake only ask for your best, it does not have high expectations, we have just named them to be high however they are and should be considered as being normal.
This is not a job for me, this is a passion. I have always said, should anything you do turn into a job, then it is time for you to leave.
Ko au ko Puutake, ko Puutake ko au!

Whaea Cher
Kaupapa Ako / Subjects
Toi Ataata – Year 9 and Year 10
Mātāpono – Year 11
Ko Pūtauaki te maunga
Ko Rangitaiki te awa
Ko Kokohinau te marae
Ko Ngāti Awa te iwi
Ko Te Pahipoto te hapū
Ko Cher Pahi tēnei e mihi atu ki a koutou katoa.
Puutake Te Wāhanga Māori has been my place of learning and teaching since 2009. I was lucky to learn from our rangatira Hori Pomana me te kāhui kaiako o Tua Whakarere. The highlight for me has always been working in an environment that values kaupapa Māori with students who are proud to be Māori.
My aspiration as a kaiako in Puutake is to combine the legacy of Hori Pomana with the leadership of now to create opportunities that give our students lifelong learning experiences.
- Diploma Business Admin, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiarangi
- Bachelors of Education (Teaching Huarahi Māori) University of Auckland
- Toi Maruata, Rāranga (Art, Weaving), Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
Teaching Experience:
- 2005-2007 Primary Teaching
- 2008-2024 Secondary Teaching
- Kahui Ako in-school leader
- Kaimarau Curriculum and Assessment Puutake
- Specialist classroom teacher

Whaea Hineao
Kaupapa Ako / Subjects
Te Reo Māori
Taha Māreikura
Ko Whakapunake te maunga
Ko Wairoa Hōpūpū Hōngenengene Matangirau te awa
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Pūtahi te marae
Ko Te Poho o Hinepehinga te whare
Ko Ngāti Hinepehinga te hapū
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Wairoa te iwi
Taha Whatukura
Ko Mauao te maunga
Ko Tauranga Moana te moana
Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Mangatawa te marae
Ko Tamapahore te whare
Ko Ngā Pōtiki a Tamapahore te hapū
Ko Ngai te Rangi te iwi
He raukura ahau o te Kōhanga Reo me te Kura Kaupapa Māori, otirā te Aho Matua. He uri hoki ahau nō Kai Tahu.
Ko Hineao Whareaorere-Taite-McLean ahau
I kuraina ahau ki te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau i raro i te maru o Te Huarahi Māori, ki reira I whai ahau i taku tohu Paetahi mō te Whakaako
Bachelors of Education (Teaching Huarahi Māori) from the University of Auckland
Te Whare Wānanga o Aotearoa – Te Pīnakitanga o Te Reo Kairangi – Diploma Whakaako Kura Tuatahi: Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Ara Hou – Tau 7-8
Whakaako Kura Tuarua: Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Whānau Tahi – Tau 9-13 – Pāngarau (Mathematics)
Puutake te Wāhanga Māori
Mahi Kirimana NZQA:
- Kaiaromātairua (Moderator, Pāngarau, Reo Rangatira)
- Kaiwhakamāori (Translator)
- Matakupu (Assessment writer)
- Kia poipoi te ākonga i roto i tana ake huarahi mātauranga me tana ao Māori
- Kia whanake i te ao o te ākonga i roto i ngā āhuatanga o te ao Māori
- Kia whanake i te ao Pāngarau ā rauemi nei, ā ako nei mō ngā ākonga Māori

Whaea Carlene
Information to come

Whaea Heather
Kaupapa Ako / Subjects
Te Reo Ingārihi
Puutake Dean and Admin
Ko Pūwheke te maunga
Ko Karikari te moana
Ko Māmari te waka
Ko Te Whānau Moana te hapū
Ko Haititai Marangai te marae
Ko Ngāti Kahu te iwi
Ko Mauao te maunga
Ko Tauranga te moana
Ko Takitimu Ko Matātua ngā waka
Ko Pirirakau Ko Ngai Tūwhiwhia ngā hapū
Ko Poututerangi Ko Opureora ngā marae
Ko Ngāti Ranginui Ko Ngai te Rangi ngā iwi.
Ko Heather Matthews ahau
Teaching Experience
- Studied Bachelor of Education and Post Graduate Diploma at The University of Auckland.
- Peer Education – Te Kaha o te Rangatahi
- Primary School experience – Roscommon Primary School
- High School experience – James Cook High School & Puutake Te Wāhanga Māori
Goals & Aspirations
- To continue to serve our Puutake Te Wāhanga Māori mokopuna and whānau within a culturally safe Te Ao Māori environment
- Provide learning experiences that make authentic connections to our mokopuna lives and future pathways
- Develop and strengthen self confidence and values for our mokopuna to be able to leave school at Year 13 a strong, resilient and proud young Māori of who can walk and succeed in both Te Ao Māori and Te Ao Pākeha.

Whaea Marie
Kaupapa Ako / Subjects
Tikanga a Iwi
Te Reo Maori
Te Reo Ingarihi
Hikutū Tamaki mākaurau, Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato,
Ko Wainui te marae
Ko Ngati Moetonga te hapu
Ko Whangatauatia te maunga
Ko Te Rarawa te Iwi
Ko Te Ramaroa te maunga
Ko Hokianga te moana
Ko Pa Te Aroha te marae
Ko Te Hikutu te hapu
Ko Ngāpuhi te Iwi
Ko Whaea Marie ahau
Teaching Experience
- Bachelor of Education, Te Kura Akoranga o Tamaki makaurau ( Te Huarahi Māori)
- Certificate in Māori Studies, Te Whare Wananga o Waikato
- Diploma of Māori Art Raranga
Primary School Experience
- Greenmeadows Intermediate, Te Whanau o Tamapahore,
- Wiri Central Primary School
- Finlayson Park Primary (Teacher Aide)
- Manurewa Te Kohanga Reo
High School Experience
- James Cook High School -Junior Intergrated Programme
- Puutake Te Wāhanga Māori.
Nga Whainga:
To make a difference in our Mokopuna learning in Puutake by providing all the support and resources to nurture their uniqueness enabling them to embrace their culture and identity with confidence into their future journey.

Matua Rōpata
Kaupapa Ako / Subjects
Te Mātāpono me Te Reo Māori.
Te Mātāpono and the Māori Language.
Tēnā tātou e te iwi o ngā hau e whā. He uri tēnei nō Te Tai Hauāuru, Ngāti Hau me Te Tai Rāwhiti.
He kaiako ahau mai te kura tuatahi o Waimāhia kei roto i te wāhanga reorua o Te Manu Tukutuku. Kātahi ka nukuhia ahau ki te kura nei o Hēmi Kuki ki te wāhi o Puutake te Wāhanga Māori.
He wawata nōku, kia whai te tauira o ngā mātua tūpuna. Ka rua, kia whāngai te reo Māori me ngā tikanga o ngā mātua tūpuna ki ngā taringa whakarongo. Tuatoru manaaki, tiaki te tipuranga o Te Whare Wānanga o Hōri Pōmana ki tua. Tēnei hoki, he pouāwhina ki te wawata o ngā mokopuna o te kaupapa nei kia tautokohia, kia akiakitia te ara poutama o rātou. He kōrero whakamutunga, he kaiako pai ki ngā tangata katoa.
Greetings to one and all from the four winds. I am a descendant from the West Coast (North Island), Ngāti Hau and the East Coast (North Island).
I began teaching at Weymouth Primary in the Māori bi-lingual unit called, Te Manu Tukutuku. Then I moved to James Cook High School into the Puutake te Wāhanga Māori unit.
My aspirations are to follow the examples of our ancestors. Secondly, nurture the Māori language and the customs of our ancestors to those who are eager to learn. Thirdly, to support and to safeguard the growth of Te Whare Wānanga o Hōri Pōmana into the future. Also, create a support network for our Puutake students to plan, implement and thrive for their dreams while at kura and beyond. Finally, I would like to be a good teacher to all.

Matua Dereck
Kaupapa Ako / Subjects
Pāngarau (Tau Iwa)
Te Reo Māori (Auraki – Tau Tekau)
Taha Māreikura
Ko Ngatokikatawhaorua te waka
Ko NgaPuhi te iwi
Ko Pakinga te maunga
Ko Punakitere te awa
Ko Te Kotahitanga rāua ko Okorihi ōku marae
Ko Te Uira te whare
Ko Ngāti Tautahi rāua ko Ngāti Ueoneone ōku hapū
Taha Whatukura
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Hauraki rāua ko Waikato ōku iwi
Ko Moehau rāua ko Taupiri ōku maunga
Ko Ohinemuri rāua ko Waikato ōku moana
Ko Ngahutoitoi rāua ko Terohia rāua ko Wharekawa rāua ko Purekireki ōku marae
Ko TeAwapu te whare
Ko Tara Tokonui rāua ko Ngāti Hako rāua ko Ngāti Paoa rāua ko Ngāti Hikairo ōku hapū
He raukura ahau no te kura o te patoto uaua,
Ko Dereck Paora ahau.
I whakakapi ahau i te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau ki te tohu kairangi i te whakaakoranga. Bachelor of Education (Teaching Huarahi Māori) University of Auckland
I whakakapi ahau i Te Whare Wānanga o Aotearoa ki te Tohu Whakairo. Diploma in Whakairo (Carving) University of New Zealand
- Te whakatairanga i ngā tūāhua ākonga Māori me ā rātou kōrero angitu (Promote Māori role models and success stories): Highlight the achievements of successful Māori individuals, both historical and contemporary, to inspire and motivate Māori students to reach their full potential.
- Te akiaki i te ārahitanga me te whakauru o ngā ākonga Māori (Encourage Māori student leadership and participation) Create opportunities for Māori students to take on leadership roles within the school community, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.
- Te taunakitanga mo te whai wāhi ōrite me ngā rauemi motuhake (Advocate for equitable access and resources) Work towards ensuring that Māori students have equal access to educational opportunities, resources, and support systems, addressing any systemic barriers or inequalities.

Matua Shane
Information to come