James Cook High School

Puutake te Wāhanga Māori

Puutake te Wāhanga Māori

Ko te pae tāwhiti whāia kia tata, ko te pae tata whakamaua kia tina!

Takina te mauri o te rangi e tū iho nei, takina te mauri o te papa e takoto nei, Takina te mauri o te Pou o Tuawhakarere kia tau ki te whare, takina te mauri o te Pou o te ira tangata, kia tau ki te taraiti takina te hono ki te Pou o Te Ara Poutama piki atu rā ki te Pou o Te Ūara e tau taku whare e, e ueue nei te te parihau o te whare hai āhuru mōwai ki ngā hua kua puawai ki te maara o Puutake … E te whetū o Pōhutukawa, kua riro ko ngā whetū mano ki te kupenga o Tara mai nuku, kua whetūrangihia koutou ki te matarangi o te uneune, e rere rā koutou.

Kai ngā whetū o te wā e wānanga ana ki te whakarite te ara whakamua mā ngā mokopuna o te wā, tēnā karahuihui mai ana tātou.

Nau mai hāere mai ki te whārangi mōhiohio ki ngā whakanekeneke o te kaupapa o Puutake Te Wāhanga Māori. He whārangi tēnei hai whakamōhio atu ki ngā mātua o te wā otirā ki ngā mātua o anamatā rānei e hiahia nei ki te tohu koinei pea tētahi nā kura Māori hai whakatipu o Tamariki.

Mā te āta tirotiro ki ngā kaupapa ka whātorohia e ngā mokopuna o te kaupapa ki konei ka kitea mehemea koinei tētahi kaupapa mā rātou.

Hai whakatepe ake, e rere tonu ngā mihi ki te pāpā tonu o te kaupapa ki a Matua Hori Pomana nānā te kaupapa i whakaara ake hai maara mōwai ukiuki mo ngā mokopuna o te wā. E kore rawa te puna o kupu whakamihi e mimiti noa.

Heoi anō rā, he ngākau nā mātou ko ngā Pou o te kaupapa o Puutake Te Wāhanga Māori ki a koutou katoa,

Kia tau te mauri iho o te kaupapa, ka tau ki te Toirangi.

Let the grace of our sky father and earth mother cleanse the pathway.

May the same grace support and cleanse the foundation of Te Papa Karioi and the four pillars of our very existence. Te Pou Tuawhakarere, the pillar that acknowledges the past, Te Pou Ira tangata, the pillar of the present staff and the responsibilities. Te Pou o Te Ara Poutama, the pillar of learning and career pathways and Te Pou Ūara the pilar of values, tikanga and kawa. Let the roof of this house be supported in representation of Matua Hori Pomana.  His hands spread wide to ensure the garden and kaupapa of Puutake Te Wāhanga Māori is forever protected.

We acknowledge the loss and mate that the maiden Pōhutukawa has collected and has shared to the night sky. Let our loved ones and angels guide our kaupapa and mokopuna through any challenging times that they may face in life.

To all whānau, past, present, and aspiring, Puutake acknowledges you all.

I would like welcome you all to this platform of communication and information that allows whānau and friends to gain an insight into Puutake Te Wāhanga Māori and the various journeys our students participate in.  This platform will also allow aspiring whānau to help support their tamariki who aspire to be a part of the kaupapa in the coming years.

Please browse through the pages and should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Lastly, I would like to close by acknowledging the founder of our kaupapa, the late Matua Hori Pomana who foresaw a need for a Puutake environment in response to help and support a challenging community. Through his values, guidance and leadership we aim to provide our mokopuna with the same opportunities that were provided to the thousands of students who have stood and taken shelter in the whare of Te Pou Herenga Waka before them.

Kai te rangatira, takoto okioki ai koe ki te rua koiwi ki te moutere o Matakana, hoki rawa mai ki a tātou, mauri ora ki ā tātaou katoa


Hammond Matua
Head of Faculty
Puutake Te Wāhanga Māori

Te Pou o Tuawhakarere

Te Pou o te Ira Tangata

Te Pou o te Ara Poutama

Te Pou o Ngā Uaratanga

Students are grounded in the whakapapa of Manurewa, the korero of our whare and the aspirations and legacy of the people who established our wāhanga Māori.
Making connections with and respecting the mana whenua, our local marae, our current students, whānau and community.
A clear focus on student achievement, academic aspirations and career pathways. Lessons are contextualised in kaupapa Māori and are delivered in a range of ways suitable to all learners. Puutake specialises in delivering two learning pathways; 1. Rūmaki Reo (9PU) – Our full immersion class 2. Te Reorua (9PT) – Our bilingual class. Students are taught using a combination of Te Reo Māori and English across all their subject areas.
Core values, tikanga and kawa are upheld daily and integrated through all aspects of Puutake school life. Students dedicate themselves to kaupapa and excursions outside of school that strengthen their character and leadership qualities.

Kaupapa Māori

Kaupapa Māori allows our students to support our community, our kaumatua and enables them to engage in Te Ao Māori. Students attend tūwheratanga, hura kohatu, tangihanga, pōwhiri and hui Māori. These experiences grow our student’s understanding of Te Ao Māori and develops them as future leaders.